
4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get the Most Out of Your Next Dental Check-Up

4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get the Most Out of Your Next Dental Check-Up

4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get the Most Out of Your Next Dental Check-Up

The next time you book in for a dental check-up appointment, it’s important to remember that you are ultimately in charge of your own oral health. This means that if you have any questions, concerns, or intentions for your oral health and appearance, it’s up to you to speak up.

Visiting the dentist twice a year is necessary so that you can have a check-up, scale and clean, but it also provides an excellent opportunity to talk to a professional. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity and get the most out of your dental check-up. If you’re not sure how to do this, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to start moving in the right direction.

How Often and for What Duration Am I Brushing My Teeth?

This might seem like an obvious one, but it is nevertheless important to think about your hygiene practices before you visit the dentist. If you are confident that you’re brushing as often and for as long as is advised, then you’ll know any dental issues you’re experiencing will be unrelated to your home care routine.

If you are not practising good dental hygiene, however, this is something you will need to change. For some people, brushing sufficiently is difficult due to dexterity limitations. Flossing can also be hard for some individuals because putting their fingers in their mouth is uncomfortable for them.

If you’re avoiding or struggling with brushing and flossing for reasons such as these, talk to your dentist about the situation. It might feel a bit embarrassing, but being honest will allow your dentist to find appropriate alternatives for you. They will personalise your care plan and help you find an effective way to take care of your teeth.

How Happy Am I With My Oral Health and Is There Anything I’m Worried About?

When getting your dental check-up, it can be tempting to simply sit back and let the dentist tell you what’s wrong with your teeth. However, it is important to voice any concerns you have as not everything is detectable by visual analysis alone.

If you have noticed anything unusual or unpleasant, from tooth sensitivity and unexplained pain to bleeding gums, you should express these concerns to your dentist. These can be early signs of greater issues to come and should be addressed as soon as possible to minimise future problems.

Similarly, it can be helpful to talk to your dentist about your dental habits, particularly if you have any concerns. If you’re practising good oral hygiene but are still struggling with discolouration or substantial plaque, it’s possible you could be brushing or flossing incorrectly.

If I Could Change One Thing About My Smile, What Would It Be?

If you think you might want to change something about your smile, it’s a good idea to think hard about this before you attend your regular dental check-up. That way, you can come to your dentist with a clear idea of what you want and they can optimise their care plan to cater to your desires.

Feeling good about your teeth will work wonders for your confidence as it will allow you to smile, laugh and socialise freely. If you’re unhappy with your smile, it is definitely worth the time and energy it may take to have these problems rectified. For example, if you’d like your teeth to be whiter, a dentist can advise you on the best course of action.

Depending on your teeth, it might simply be a case of cutting back on tea, coffee, tobacco, wine and pigmented foods, or using a teeth-whitening toothpaste. Alternatively, they might recommend a teeth-whitening take-home kit or an in-chair procedure. Either way, your dentist can help you have the smile you’ve always wanted!

Find a Dentist You Can Trust

Of course, speaking openly with your dentist about your needs and concerns can be difficult if you don’t feel entirely comfortable with them. Make sure you have a dentist you can trust to give honest advice without compromising on kindness or consideration.

At Langmore Dental, we value honesty and professionalism while taking an empathetic approach to dental practices. We want our patients to feel comfortable expressing their needs as we strive to deliver the best possible service at all times.

Whether you’re seeking dental work for health or aesthetic purposes, Langmore Dental can deliver and surpass all expectations. For unbeatable dental services, reach out to us today!